
Flexible Payment Options with fumopay

Sophie Redman

By Sophie Redman
19 July 2024

Do you wish you could provide your customers with more options when paying your invoices, to provide the ability of splitting an invoice over several payments, or by offering a discount for an upfront payment?

With our online payment partner fumopay, you can! 

About fumopay 

fumopay is a Xero-connected app allows you to collect payments online, on your sales invoice sent via Xero, helping you get paid faster. 

  • Get Paid Faster: Make it easy for customers to pay you promptly, using online payments.
  • 0% Per Transaction: Say goodbye to transaction fees, and hello to a low fixed fee
  • Instant Funds: No more waiting days for funds to arrive once paid.
  • Save Reconciliation Time: Xero will automatically suggest a “match” for the transaction.


Flexible payments 

fumopay have recently announced a new feature – fumoflex, which provides flexibility to your customers when paying your invoices. 


  • paysave allows you to offer a discount to your customer if they pay early, by a select date.
  • paydelay allows you to split your invoice value over multiple payments which are automatically collected by standing order. By allowing your customer to pay over multiple dates, you can choose to charge a fee for the flexibility you are providing. 



How fumoflex works

When you set-up fumopay as an online payment option on your Xero sales invoices, you’ll have the option to connect fumoflex to specific invoices you raise. 

Keeping control:

You are able to set the parameters for both paysave and paydelay. 

paysave example:

 You can toggle the slide bar to the specific number of days after your invoice date which your customer is required to pay by in order to benefit from the discount you have set. In this example if the customer pays within 5 days, they’ll receive a 5% discount. 

paydelay example:

When allowing customers to split an invoice over a number of payments, you can select the parameters including number of allowed payments and the uplift percentage you’d like to charge for providing the benefit of splitting your invoice. You can also choose whether you’d like the payment frequency to be monthly or weekly.

Payments are made via standing order, so unlike Direct Debit, as soon as your customer has made payment, the funds arrive into your bank account instantly. 

Want to find out more?

fumopay’s new fumoflex feature allows businesses to provide flexibility to their customers for making payment, but also enables them to keep control of the parameters. 

If you’d like a demonstration of fumopay, please don’t hesitate to contact our team at Linford Grey.